Sunday, 31 December 2017

Happy New Year

When I awoke this morning there was a feeling of urgency, I had to get ready for the New Year! Yikes it's almost here! The Christmas tree and decorations scattered around the house must be put away, New Year's Eve is approaching fast! Enough of this Christmas clutter!
As I began to dismantle the tree a feeling of melancholy swept across my heart, the spirit of Christmas still loomed in the air filling our home with many shared moments of joy, laughter, music, sparking lights and the wonderful aroma of Christmas baking. Well there were also moments of angst I have to admit.
Why was I in such a rush?
Well to tell you the truth I can't wait for 2018 to arrive, I have a list a mile long of wonderful  projects to start! Just to name a few; Dennis Perrin workshop, paint and decorate our bedroom, teach a journaling workshop at ASSC, have all 8 grandchildren for a 'Star Trek marathon', get back to the gym, continue painting my 'Moments in Time' series, enter 5 paintings at Gallery 501 in January, prepare for workshops at Central Lions, prepare for a guest speaking position... oh my the list goes on and on with exciting adventures.
Tomorrow morning I will sit down and organize my growing list in my journal and start the New Year with passion!

Before wishing you a Happy New Year I would like to share a poem with you written by a very talented friend.

Here's to a New Year

Another year, another start
To think new thoughts
Dream new dreams
Make new plans
To create
To build

New months
To think positive thoughts
Avoid negatives
That inevitably creep in
To pollute the intent
Shove them away
Replace them mindfully

New weeks
Give time for dreams
For a bold future
For times that fulfill
Give joy
Give peace

Every day a new day
To plan new plans
Attempt new goals
Tackle old ones
Nurture friendships
Perhaps make new ones
Slough off the ruts of olden times
Pave the way for new ones

So many hours
Make them count
Each one a precious gift 
Of time
To create a painting
Write a poem
Contact a friend
Plan a trip
Read a book

To build anything you choose
Put forth the effort
Design a new self
Appreciate the old self
Prepare broken bridges
Strengthen new ones
Mold and shape
A better place
To live
To love

To be kind to yourself

Just be.
--- Trish Haugen

Thank you for taking the time out of your very busy day to stop and listen to me ramble, I really do love sharing my excitement with you!

And now my New Year's wish for you...
May 2018 bring you joy to lift your tender spirit when it needs lifting, a shining light to guide you through any dark days you may experience, courage to face any challenges you may face, and a gentle warm hug from me to you because you deserve it!

Happy New Year!

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Moments in Time

"Toys We Played With"

Serries #3

Does anyone know what a wringer washer is?
This was a toy I was given to play with at age three, my how times have changed! However, little boys and girls are still interested today in copying what moms and dads are doing, replicas are still being made of lawn mowers, stoves, dishes and the like. 
 Ah, but my little wringer washer was special, you could hook it up to a hose and wash clothes, where my clothes are I don't recall! Yes times really have changed since I was three, we were given so much freedom to roam and we played in the buff!

The home behind me in this little painting has sparked some very fond memories. We lived there on Daytona Street in Springfield, Massachusetts until I was about five years of age.
One warm sunny day it was my job to keep an eye on my little eight month old brother John, which I loved to do, it was like playing house with a baby doll, only he was real! He was placed in a playpen on our huge veranda in the front of our house. I giggled and grinned at him through the playpen bars and watched him coo and giggle back, when all of a sudden it started to rain, I frantically ran into the house and exclaimed; "It's raining, John might get rusty!"

This portrait of me was very difficult to paint, for some reason I kept painting my Grandmother Josie, but after five attempts it finally looked like me at age three. First I painted this picture in my watercolour journal and then I painted it on a canvas with acrylics. To my delight more early childhood memories began to flood back. 
There are no memories of siblings or parents, other than my brother John, but the feelings of joy, security, happiness and contentment was felt in that home. 
Behind our house there was a fence that I managed to squeeze through and play with Linda Lambach. We were the same age and shared the same birthday, and had several birthday parties together. Birthday parties I loved but her scary brother who gave very hard birthday spankings I did not! 
Oddly I can still remember her kitchen with huge creamy yellow cupboards with black spring hinged door knobs, perhaps the cupboards were huge because I was so small. 
Oh my, I can just taste the corn fritter pancakes lathered in maple syrup her mother made. For years I have hunted for a recipe that tastes like those scrumptious pancakes with no avail. If anyone has a good corn fritter pancake recipe, please share! 
Funny the little things we remember.

"Many moments in time come and go, treasured moments stay."

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Moments in Time Continues...

Moments in Time Series #2
Please click on the pictures to view more clearly.

This is a little pen and ink watercolour sketch in my journal with notes about the painting.

There were many wonderful summers and very fond memories with my dear friend Jan in this cozy little cottage.
Although I have never been there in the winter, and I don't have a photograph of the cottage, this is what I imagined it would look like.
As I reflect back on my youth while painting this scene, I realized that Jan's mother played a huge part in my life growing up, she believed in me even when I didn't.

Spanky's Cottage 

Mixed Media on 16" x 20" stretch canvas
What a wonderful time I had recalling so many moments in time while painting this one!

When I posted this painting on facebook the response was more than I could have hoped for. 
It is always a thrill to create a painting that someone resonates with, but to evoke so many memories from one family was thrilling!
This family shared their fond memories on facebook and I had the privilege of reading their stories as they reminisced. Wow, for me this was an awe inspiring, spine-tingling event!

Sherry shared my painting on her facebook timeline so her family could see my painting. She wanted to know if this painting reminded them of Mr. Spanky's cabin and if it sparked any fond memories for them.

Here are a few memories posted on facebook that I was given permission to share...

I asked Sherry, "Who is Mr. Spanky?"

Sherry replied, "Mr. Spanky lived in a small cabin on the property where we grew up. When we were young the six of us would go visit him in his one room cabin. We would sit by the fire and he would make it turn colour. His bed folded up behind a large painted mural of birds and an owl."

Donna recalled, "Oh yes, and he would tell stories about his wife and father. If I remember correctly his father was a doctor who went to his patient's houses by horse and buggy or sleigh. Mr. Spanky used to give us candy when we visited. How about the time we found him in his garden shed and we thought he was dead? We made Auntie Joan come and see only to find he was just sleeping."

Sherry replied, "Good memories."

Diana jumped in, "Remember the huge garden he planted and hundreds of chickens he took care of? He was 80 years old!  He introduced me to Cracker Jacks and pink popcorn. I still love popcorn to this day. I challenge my brothers to remember."

Bonnie exclaimed, "I remember riding horses there and sitting in his warm cottage by the fire, getting candy and listening to stories! I always looked forward to those visits."

Nova reacted, "I remember, it always smelt so good."

Donna chimed in, "Remember that unbelieveable fireplace with the pheasant design made out of little stones?"

Duane recalled, "The warm heat that only a fireplace can produce, hot chocolate and candy on a cold winter's day."

Donna asked, "Remember that pipe he smoked, and when you walked in there would be clouds of smoke? It smelled good. Oh and the table made out of trees?"

Diana responded, "He always had a newspaper or something he was reading on that table, and the painted mural filled with birds and trees. Wish someone would have taken a picture. Oh well we have our memories."

Yes Diana we all have our memories to hold onto and keep close to our hearts!

On facebook I was able to thank everyone for sharing their memories and ask permission to name this painting, 'Spanky's Cottage' to honour Spanky. The answer was a definite, yes!

Just remember...Good and bad moments in time sculpt and mold us into the statues we are today!

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Moments in Time

'Moments in Time' is my theme for a collection of paintings this year. What an exciting and meaningful journey for me to paint only moments that are very special and close to my heart. After all, my heart is the place where I live!

Journaling is still a passion of mine but it seems to be taking up a lot of my time, and I have come to the conclusion that I am not Super Woman. It is just not humanly possible to paint in my journal every day and paint on canvas too!
Hmm what do to?
After much contemplation I came up with, what I think is a brilliant idea...sketch in my journal, write about my special moment in time and then paint the picture on canvas. 

Here is the first painting and the story behind it.

House in my Dreams

Over the years I have had many dreams of the same house, winter, spring, summer or fall. My house dream is always comforting and inviting, there is music, a wonderful aroma of baking, a cozy warm crackling fire in the fireplace, and a celebratory gathering of people smiling and laughing. 

This house is so special to me, do you think I should paint it in all of the seasons?

You've Got Mail

You all probably remember the wicked cold but beautiful hoarfrost we had in Edmonton this winter. The hoarfrost was my inspiration for this painting of the 'house in my dreams'.

When I shared this painting on facebook I was tickled pink that my brother John resonated with my painting. 

He wrote; "Reminds me of when I was a boy coming home from a day of rabbit hunting, cold wet, hungry and tired. All would soon be forgotten."

Wishing all of you who are following my painterly journey, happy dreams!

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Right on Schedule!

You will never guess what my new year's resolution is, mmm-hmm, you know it, FOCUS! Seems to me we have had this conversation before. There is so much I want to do and so little time. Well after a very long discussion with myself, 'not enough time' isn't the problem. What I need to do is start the day earlier and stop lollygagging over a leisurely cup of coffee, get organized, stick to one thing at a time and finish one project before starting another. For me this is a huge task because I get so ahead of myself with inspiration and excitement.
How does one get organized and stay focused? Perhaps starting the day with a routine would help.
My sister Linda was a huge help with this because she gave me the most unique Christmas gift, 365 messages. Every morning I open a beautiful, sometimes funny message decorated with glitter and rhinestones!  What to do after I have read my special message? After some thought I decided the messages were worthy of recognition in my daily journal, and then placed in a little box to pass on to someone special next year.
Because my daily journal was already open it seemed only logical to make a list of 'plans and goals' for the day.
By golly it worked. Now I am on schedule. Ta-da!

My first week's goals and plans were completed. Every day I worked towards an art exhibit submission for Kasa at the Jubilee Auditorium. That meant rewriting my bio, making a CD and answering every question paying close attention to detail, rereading, rewriting, and the list goes on.
The submission was in the mail by Wednesday, January 4.

Next goal - Create three new workshop proposals for Mixed Media, Pen and Ink Journal and an exciting new class on Folk Art.
This took all week long but I met my 'goals and plans' most every day.

Here's one folk art painted box.

For the workshop everyone can purchase a $25 Kit or bring they are more than welcome to bring their own supplies. 

The Old Farm House will be the template for the top of the box

Tea Cups and Saucers and Teapots for the sides of the box.

Folk Art has always been a special interest of mine, it has been around for centuries.  It is so colourful, quaint, and I love that Folk Art  tells such interesting stories.
There are three famous Folk Art artists that I adore and admire. You may already be acquainted with their masterpieces. 
Edward Hick, (born 1780 - Pennsylvania), was inspired by the Bible, his stories were all about a 'Peaceable Kingdom'.
Grandma Moses, (born 1860), painted stories that depicted nostalgic glimpses of daily life in rural New York and Virginia.
Maud Lewis, (born 1903 - South Ohio, Nova Scotia),  painted stories of everyday life in her community. Every surface inside of her home was painted with colourful flowers, animals and designs. Her unique home has been restored by the Nova Scotia Art Gallery and is now a permanent display in the gallery.
If you would like to read more about these amazing artists just give them a google.

Good luck with all of your goals and plans, and may all of your dreams come True!