Sunday, 31 December 2017

Happy New Year

When I awoke this morning there was a feeling of urgency, I had to get ready for the New Year! Yikes it's almost here! The Christmas tree and decorations scattered around the house must be put away, New Year's Eve is approaching fast! Enough of this Christmas clutter!
As I began to dismantle the tree a feeling of melancholy swept across my heart, the spirit of Christmas still loomed in the air filling our home with many shared moments of joy, laughter, music, sparking lights and the wonderful aroma of Christmas baking. Well there were also moments of angst I have to admit.
Why was I in such a rush?
Well to tell you the truth I can't wait for 2018 to arrive, I have a list a mile long of wonderful  projects to start! Just to name a few; Dennis Perrin workshop, paint and decorate our bedroom, teach a journaling workshop at ASSC, have all 8 grandchildren for a 'Star Trek marathon', get back to the gym, continue painting my 'Moments in Time' series, enter 5 paintings at Gallery 501 in January, prepare for workshops at Central Lions, prepare for a guest speaking position... oh my the list goes on and on with exciting adventures.
Tomorrow morning I will sit down and organize my growing list in my journal and start the New Year with passion!

Before wishing you a Happy New Year I would like to share a poem with you written by a very talented friend.

Here's to a New Year

Another year, another start
To think new thoughts
Dream new dreams
Make new plans
To create
To build

New months
To think positive thoughts
Avoid negatives
That inevitably creep in
To pollute the intent
Shove them away
Replace them mindfully

New weeks
Give time for dreams
For a bold future
For times that fulfill
Give joy
Give peace

Every day a new day
To plan new plans
Attempt new goals
Tackle old ones
Nurture friendships
Perhaps make new ones
Slough off the ruts of olden times
Pave the way for new ones

So many hours
Make them count
Each one a precious gift 
Of time
To create a painting
Write a poem
Contact a friend
Plan a trip
Read a book

To build anything you choose
Put forth the effort
Design a new self
Appreciate the old self
Prepare broken bridges
Strengthen new ones
Mold and shape
A better place
To live
To love

To be kind to yourself

Just be.
--- Trish Haugen

Thank you for taking the time out of your very busy day to stop and listen to me ramble, I really do love sharing my excitement with you!

And now my New Year's wish for you...
May 2018 bring you joy to lift your tender spirit when it needs lifting, a shining light to guide you through any dark days you may experience, courage to face any challenges you may face, and a gentle warm hug from me to you because you deserve it!

Happy New Year!