Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Happy New Year!

Where did the time go?
This is the time of year I like to look back at 2018 and reflect. My sister Linda proposed a challenge, for Mary and me, she suggested; "let's all take time to record what we are grateful for every Monday." So I did just that, and faithfully recorded what I was grateful for every Monday in my 'Grateful Calendar Journal.' Before I share what I discovered when I looked back at the whole year of entries in my 'Grateful Journal,' let me show you what direction my art has taken this past year. (Please note: click on pictures to enlarge)

2018 marks the year of the 9th commission I have painted for the cover of the SAGE Directory, (Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton). Tittle, 'You Little Rascal'.
Three charming seniors taught me how to play Dominoes and they loved the idea of being on the cover of the directory. What fun we had, they were a hoot!

Teaching; Journaling, Mixed Media, and Silk Scarves with Men's Ties at Central Lions every Spring and Fall has been a pleasure.

Pictures of demos for my Journaling class.
Demo 1 - painting with tissue paper 
Demo 2 - live painting, style and design
Demo 3 - negative and positive painting

This past year I thought I would like to get back into oil painting, I was delighted to find an amazing artist, Master Dennis Perrin that offered online workshops, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I have signed up for four more courses!

In preparation for a spring and fall art exhibit at ASSC, (Art Association of Strathcona County), I painted a few more new works of art in acrylic to add to my collection of painting entries.

My husband Paul walking Shadow and Abby
He loved this painting so I pulled it from the show and gave it to him on his birthday.

Grama Mary Eliza's Strawberries

Winter Cabin (Sold)

Backyard Fence (Sold)

Back to my Grateful Journal discoveries in 2018

My grateful journal entry highlights included; spirituality, husband, children, grandchildren, siblings, friends, medical staff, validation, comfort, and the gift of art  I possess. 
This year has been heart wrenching in many ways and, very difficult losing a dear friend. Trying to find a healthy balance between my career, family and friends has truly been a challenge. As I look back, everything that I am grateful for has strongly been my support through thick and thin, to the point where I can say with gratitude; "It is well with my soul."

My New Year's gift to you...

Every Monday record what you are grateful for and at the end of the year as you travel through your journey of life, you will have the pleasure of looking back only to discover just how blessed you are!