Sunday, 7 February 2016

The Day Has Arrived!

The portrait of well respected Dr. Steven Aung is complete, and I am very pleased with the end result. 

My hope and wish for this portrait was to portray the sincere love and compassion that Dr. Aung possesses. In my heart my wish has been fulfilled! 
If you look closely, sometimes it appears he is smiling, but is he?

My first two attempts to capture the golden glow on his face became problematic. I used transference gold paint and it looked dreadful. It cast a muddy appearance unless the light was shining directly over his face.
What to do? I lined up all of my ‘Golden’ brand paints and started experimenting, and to my surprise I discovered how to create a golden glow without using gold.
My secrets will be revealed at my next workshop in May at ASSC, (Art Association of Strathcona County).

If you would like to view Dr. Aung’s portrait in person, the painting will be exhibited at the ‘Loft Gallery.’ 
Location: A. J. Ottewell Centre, 590 Broadmore Blvd, Sherwood Park. 
Date: Saturdays and Sundays, March and April.
Time: 12:00 to 4:00 pm.

Thank you for tuning in and supporting me on my creative journey. Now back to my next exciting series of homemade bread recipe creations and paintings!


  1. Amazing your work!!! You ever going to make it to BC as there is lots to paint here without even leaving the yard!!!!

    1. Thank you Sharon! Look forward to going to BC. I now have three people to visit!

  2. Wonderful, Terrie. Love the background. But his eyes!

  3. Love it, Terrie, a real inspiration! Especially the portrait of Dr. Aung. You capture his essence so beautifully,

  4. Sorry for the delayed response to your comment Jean, I really do appreciate your kind words, thank you so much!
    Hugs and blessings
