Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Alphabet Journal U to W

Suzie and Phillipe on their wedding day!
Rain or shine, my niece alway exudes joy. 

When I discovered Claude Monet's Atelier and Gardens in a Village in Giverny, Normandy I was compelled to continue reading his autobiography and sketching in my journal.

Following one of the masters has been quite the journey for me.  In 1980 Claude Monet was prosperous enough to buy some land and buildings. Monet is well known for his incredible paintings, but I didn't realize that he had extensive gardens created so he could use the scenes for his paintings.  

Brilliant! What a visionary! 

I can picture Monet walking down this little road on a beautiful sunny day scheming and dreaming about his next painting. 

Three pages were left in my alphabet journal to paint a few more 'V' scenes!

Birds are majestic! This darling Downy Woodpecker brought smiles of wonderment as he graced us with his presence in our backyard one day.

1 comment:

  1. Love this alphabet series, Terrie. Gonna miss them! Thanks.
